Creating a web based ERP Application for apartment building management. Including all process like purchase order, stock item, meter reading, charge calculation, billing, and generate tenant invoice.
This application using CodeIgniter framework and SQL Server.
Managing an api for Easy Tenant mobile application.
Easy Tenant is an application for the convenience of apartment residents. Including fitur booking facility, defect, and more information about the apartment.
This application using CodeIgniter framework.
Creating a web based application for booking facility.
This application is also a CMS for API Easy Tenant to manage all data that needed.
This application using CodeIgniter framework and MySQL.
Creating a web based application for task management. So all management level can monitoring all staff task and can communicate easily.
This application using CodeIgniter framework and MySQL.
Managing a web based application for apartment building management reporting. Provide some data like occupancy analysis and other data.
This application using CodeIgniter framework.
Managing a web based application and API for apartment hand over. Manage data like hand over schedule, and parking management. Also provide an API for mobile application needed.
This application using CodeIgniter framework and MySQL.
Creating a web based application for recruitment. Slicing, creating a front end website, and also CMS for managing all content data and managing applicant data.
This application using CodeIgniter framework and MySQL.
Creating a web based application for Aldena Store e-commerce.
Creating a front end website, and also CMS for managing all content data, managing all transaction. With instalment payment using manual calculation and without interest.
Including point for every member transactions and detail tracking status for pre-order product.
This application using CodeIgniter framework and MySQL.
Creating a web based application for recruitment. Slicing, creating a front end website, and also CMS for managing all content data and managing applicant data.
This application using CodeIgniter framework and MySQL.
Managing a web based application for document record management. Including creating letter and tracking document position and history.
This application using CodeIgniter framework and MySQL.
KHS Mobile Application is an application to manage daily and monthly report for supervisor, also for user attendance.
I have a responsibility to create an api for this application using Laravel and MySQL. Also create some page for android version.
Creating a web based application for managing all internal needed like procurement, maintenance, and book a meeting room.
This application using CodeIgniter framework and MySQL.
Creating a web based social media application for futsalyuk. Including live chat, posting and comment, join a team, create a team match, and also team rankings.
This application using CodeIgniter framework with NodeJS for live chat and MySQL for the database.
Creating a web based application for Samaradana Property integrated with 2 payment gateway (Veritrans (now Midtrans) and iPay88) using PHP Native and MySQL.
This application have 2 website, one for marketing team booking property online also get the related information about the property and the other one for customer checking the installment data.